Who we Are


Ramakrishna Vivekanand Vidya Mandir natural environment and modes amusement help children grow up the way they should. Parents appreciate having the peace of mind that comes from knowing that children are being supervised and thought by caring and capable faculty members and supportive staff in safe and happy environment. 



Aim And Objectives



To provide quality education at affordable cost by the use of modern and progressive educational techniques to achieve excellence in studies and all round development of students to make them good citizens of our country. The school prepares the students for all India secondary school examination (class x) conducted by the CBCE, Delhi. The aim to produce disciplined children who are punctual, gentle, truthful and sincere to themselves, their colleagues and the country.

Our Mission Statement



Our primary duty is to inculcate positive values like courage, vitality and sensitiveness and creativity in children so that they grow into visionary leaders of upright character.
Education in its real sense implies acquisition of knowledge, developing powers of reasoning character building there by transforming one into an enlightened human being.
We Endeavour to build upright citizens who aspire for a higher and better life.

Why Choose us


To see a world in a grain of sand 
And heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
And eternity in an hour.
– William Blake
Ramakrishna Vivekanand Vidya Mandir focuses on the need for inter-dependence and social skills to allow facultyand students to live together in harmony, acknowledging the needs of others in a more or less protected setting. 
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Meet our Teachers

Chanchala Kumari
Hindi Teacher
Raja Kumar
Chandra Prakash Mishra
Vikash Kumar
English Teacher


What Students Say